Museum of Natural Science and History

The Museum of Natural Science and History (MNSH) will demonstrate true science and history. It will be a fun, educational environment where people of all types and ages can come and see physical evidence in support of creation as detailed in the Bible, contrasting the teaching our children receive in school and from society. This biblical theory of creation is consistent with the facts whereas evolution is not. In order to be fair to the evolutionary side of science, the museum will also show and explain the evidence from a creation and an evolutionary point of view. Much of the science which supports the idea of a young earth, a young universe, is simply ignored by many scientists, most mainstream publications and the media. Sadly, mainstream publications are edited and controlled and thus cater to those with the most funding, purposely excluding contradictory theories such as creation. The museum will consist of three floors inside the authentic looking, life size ark. It will depict evidence of the pre-flood world (creation), the flood itself, and post-flood earth. A video will demonstrate the probable seven-day creation process. A video and simulator ride will provide a flood experience. Different exhibits will show dinosaurs and their existence in recent history; a display of life on earth before the flood; hoaxes of supposed evolution such as Lucy; and Darwin’s biggest hoax of all. Moving, talking models of men and women of faith and science, medicine, politics, chemistry, and physics will share their beliefs and discoveries confirming the biblical evidence of the world’s origin. Throughout the building will be varied displays of theories and evidence in support of and against each theory, as well as evidence for each, guiding visitors to discover for themselves which theory best fits the evidence.

A museum will be built which teaches true science and natural history. This museum will be a fun, educational environment where people of any age or background can come and see physical evidence (facts) in support of creation as detailed in the Bible, contrasting the teaching of evolution which our children receive in school and society. This biblical theory of creation is consistent with the facts whereas evolution is not. Come and see the truth, the evidence yourself, and draw your own conclusion. This museum, being a combination of science centre, theme park and traditional museum, is unique in this three-way combination of techniques to demonstrate true science. It is also unique in that it will present evolutionary science (there is no God, no creator) and creation science (there is a creator, God). Both sides of the story will stand, side by side. This is truly unique as evolution based science centres and museums showcase only their one-sided story.

Three floors inside the authentic looking, life size ark will depict evidence of the pre-flood world, the world wide flood, and post-flood earth. A 15-minute video will demonstrate both the seven-day creation and the billions of year evolution processes. A video and simulator ride will provide a flood experience, making you think about the possibility based on the evidence. Different exhibits will show dinosaurs and their existence in recent history; a display of life on earth before the flood; hoaxes of supposed evolution such as Lucy; and Darwin’s biggest hoax of all. Moving, talking models of men and women of faith and science, medicine, politics, chemistry, physics will share their beliefs and discoveries confirming the biblical evidence of the world’s origin. Throughout the building will be varied displays of theories and evidence in support of, and against, each of these theories, thus enabling  visitors to draw their own conclusion by seeing first hand the evidence of creation versus evolution


Why do we need a museum? Why not create a virtual museum, just a web presence? Why is creation important anyway that one would spend so much money on such an activity? The seven minute video below gives an introduction to answer these questions.

True Science

Science, as defined by

  • a branch of knowledge or study dealing with a body of facts or truths systematically arranged and showing the operation of general laws: the mathematical sciences.
  • systematic knowledge of the physical or material world gained through observation and experimentation.
  • systematized knowledge in general.
  • knowledge, as of facts or principles; knowledge gained by systematic study. website says science is “The observation, identification, description, experimental investigation, and theoretical explanation of phenomena.” It goes on to say “Such activities restricted to a class of natural phenomena”.

Notice the first definition includes the word truth. True science, as this museum seeks to represent, is the study of facts of nature in a systematic way, gaining knowledge about the world and universe to help guide us to a theory of how the world and universe came into being.

The second definition limits scientific discovery and the processes involved in science. The scientific method was developed about 1000 years ago but refined 400 years as the discipline of science grew significantly. The Oxford English dictionary says that scientific method is “a method or procedure that has characterized natural science since the 17th century, consisting in systematic observation, measurement, and experiment, and the formulation, testing, and modification of hypotheses.”


Paraphrasing Albert Einstein, “no amount of experimentation can ever prove me right; a single experiment can prove me wrong. Science cannot prove anything absolutely right, only make theories which match the facts gathered. But a single fact, a single experiment, can prove a theory wrong.” Knowing this to be true it is amazing how many scientists claim evolution is a FACT, not a theory.

The conclusion of this study, although it remains an ongoing study as we do not know all scientific knowledge yet, is that the facts, the evidence, point to a creation approximately 6000 years ago by an intelligence far superior to ourselves. We call this intelligence, this creative power God.

The video excerpts below look briefly at the area of natural science and introduce some of what can be seen in the museum close up. These will compare the evolutionary and creation theories from a natural science point of view. The exhibits demonstrate which theory better matches the facts, the evidence we see in nature around the world.

Video Excerpts

Click on the images below to watch short video’s on the topics shown in each image.

Other Creation Science Organizations

The following are the major science organizations around the world which look to the Bible as the foundation and study and interpret science based on that foundation. Many government and institutional organization use the theory of evolution as the foundation and interpret science based on that foundation. They will probably not admit this, they will claim science points to evolution but that is not true as their own publications often look at some aspect of science and then try to pigeon hole that science into an evolution model.

The Museum of Natural Science and History is not employed or funding or receiving funds from any of the organizations listed below. they are simply listed as alternative locations to look at the evidence in support of an intelligence, God, creation the universe and everything in it.

Answers In Genesis

Creation Ministries International

Institute for Creation Research

Creation Research Network

Creation Truth Ministries