Entropy – “lack of order or predictability; gradual decline into disorder.”, according to  Oxford. A lack of order. A lack of predictability. A decline from order to disorder. Seems fairly straight forward, but is it?

In nature entropy is always at work. Everything eventually get less orderly. An apple, if left after picking, rots to become ash or dust. Youthful health turns into aches and pains as the body wear out. Warmth of a fire dissipates and things become cold. Everything runs down.

Nothing evolves, except in theory. No scientist has ever measured or observed something opposite to entropy. No apple after picking continued to grow. No aged person per became young again. Charles Darwin claimed finches in the Galapagos Islands evolved by growing larger beaks. Over a longer period of observation it was shown the beaks changed back became smaller, when the food again became plentiful.

The human genome is also experiencing entropy, it is decaying. People not getting stronger and healthier. It looks like we are as people are living longer but that is due to better food, medications and living conditions. We are temporarily countering entropy, but not defeating it.

Consider if evolution occurred over the past 2.5 billion years from single celled life to all life forms – bacteria, plants, animals and humans. Great diversity. Let’s say mankind took 2.5 billions steps to evolve to our present form. That means 1 evolutionary step happened per year.  This included many failed steps as random chance will product far far more failures than successes. The estimate is that there are 1 million bad mutations (evolutionary steps) for every 1 good one.

Now look at our present world of 8.5 billion people. Evolution is supposedly still happening. That 1 step of evolution per year to produce 1 human in 2.5 billion years  is like 2.5 billion humans each taking 1 step in 1 year. Thus we should see at least 3 beneficial steps of evolution, somewhere in the world, etc year as we have over 3 times as many humans (2.5 billion x 3 = 7.5 billion) alive today.

In the last 100 years people have been all over the world, seen and studied so many things. That is a lot of people that could be evolving, one step at a time, in some way. No one has reported a single piece of evidence that humans are evolving, and no evidence of any failed evolution either. None, either way!

We are decaying as entropy shows us. It is also called the 2nd law of Thermodynamics – that everything runs down to a less ordered state. We are not evolving as lack of evidence shows us.

Estimates vary, but a common figure is that each child is born with around 100 new mutations (100 increases in entropy or degeneration). These are added to the ones already accumulated in previous generations. One person put it this way – “Could you ever expect to improve an encyclopedia by adding more and more spelling mistakes every time one is printed?”

What are the alternatives?  Currently, after hundreds of years of looking for alternatives there is only 1. That God created almost everything, and what He did not create directly came about by Him adding adaptability into what He did create. So for example He could have created a wolf and it adapted over time to become a dog. But it did not evolve to become a giraffe or some completely different species of animal. Likewise an ape like creature did not evolve into a human creature. Humanity is a unique species.

As we celebrate Christmas 2020, in our very isolated environments, I hope we each have time to consider not only where Christmas came from, but where we came from. Christmas is the celebration of Jesus Christ’s birth over 2000 years ago, which ultimately lead to His death 33 years thereafter. He was born to die, for us. For humanity. Not for plants or animals, but for humanity.

At the Museum of Natural Science and History we try to look at science through the perspective of the Bible as the foundation. Thus we interpret science fact differently than non-Christian organizations. media, universities, and such. They use the perspective of evolution as the foundation. The evolution foundation is based solely on theory; there is no ancient book or other material on which to rely. Thus we see many different conclusions. Regardless of the foundation, in the case of entropy, it is fact for it not there would be no 2nd law of thermodynamics.

As the museum, we are working on a virtual exhibit whereby individuals can tinker with the constants of physics (undisputed ‘laws’) that control our universe and see if life could evolve from that. At some point we plan to do the same with chemistry and maybe biology. Watch for more information in the spring 2021.


  • Gerrish, P. and Lenski, R., The fate of competing beneficial mutations in an asexual population, Genetica 102/103: 127–144, 1998.
  • https://creation.com/genetic-entropy-vs-evolution?utm_campaign=infobytes_ca&utm_content=Humans+are+headed+toward+extinction.+That%27s+the+EXACT+OPPOSITE+of+evolution%21&utm_medium=email&utm_source=mailing.creation.com&utm_term=Fortnightly+Digest+-+2020.12.11