Just 3 weeks ago an event happened you may not have heard about. July 20th was the 50th anniversary of the first men to walk on the moon! President John F. Kennedy announced to America on May 25 1961, that America would put a man on the moon before the end of the decade. Even though JFK was assassinated 2 years later the plan continued to unfold and on July 20th 1969 two men walked on the moon.

Neil Armstrong was the first out the door of the lunar lander named Eagle. Buzz Aldrin join him 39 minutes later. Neil is famous for saying “That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.” What Buzz did is quite different and not as well known.

Credit: NASA

After the Apollo 11 lunar module landed the astronauts waited over 6 hours before NASA gave the OK to open the door and walk on the moon’s surface. During this time Buzz did something he felt was important. He spoke to NASA back on Earth and said “I would like to request a few moments of silence, I would like to invite each person listening in, wherever and whomever he may be, to contemplate for a moment the events of the past few hours and to give thanks in his own individual way.” He then took the wine and bread he had permission to bring along and later said “I poured the wine into the chalice our church had given me. In the one-sixth gravity of the moon the wine curled slowly and gracefully up the side of the cup,” Buzz read from the Bible and then ate and drank. Neil watched but did not participate.

Buzz celebrated the Christian act called “communion”. The first thing he did, before walking on the moon, was to recognize that Jesus Christ had died for his [Buzz’s] wrongdoings [sins]. 

This event and what Buzz said was not broadcast to the world, even though Neil’s words were. A selfish woman named Madalyn Murray O’Hair had previously sued NASA because the Apollo 8 astronauts had read from the Bible, the book of Genesis, which was broadcast on Christmas Day 1968.

Like Buzz Aldrin, Charles Duke was another astronaut who was a leader in his church. There have been many astronauts who believe in God. Wernher von Braun became a director at NASA and his group developed the Saturn V rocket engine that propelled the Apollo missions to space and the moon. He too was a committed believer in God and creation.

Coming back to the present, the Gallup organization did a poll from June 3-16, 2019 asking American’s what they believe about the origin of our universe. The graph shows the results. The top line, grey in colour, are those who believe God created us, mankind, in our present form. This means we did not evolve from animals over billions of years. The green line represents those who believe God created us but used evolution in some way to get us where we are today. The lowest line, dark green, is those who believe there is no God and we evolved from non-living chemicals into what we are today.

Credit: https://news.gallup.com/poll/261680/americans-believe-creationism.aspx

Despite the continual attacks on the belief in God and the belief in creation, the majority of Americans, and hopefully Canadians, still hold this belief. Despite those like Ms O’Hair who are trying to silence anyone who publicly professes there is a God, despite movies, schools, governments, media, and others all promoting the FAKE NEWS of evolution, most people still do not believe it. These are scientists, astronauts, doctors, politicians like the USA Vice President Mike Pence, and Canadian future Prime Minister Andrew Scheer, and everyday people like the rest of us, who believe in God. 

Do not be fooled by media personalities like the American Neil deGrasse Tyson or British Richard Dawkins who claim evolution is a fact. It is not. It is far from fact.

I have adapted a story by Romanian pastor Richard Wurmbrand into this analogy: A tadpole was born in the bottom of a deep well. It grew into a frog that lived its whole life in the there, eating bugs that happened to come into range of its tongue. In the dark of night the frog looked up the well and through the distant opening at the top could see a circle of stars shining brightly. The frog thought the sky was amazing with all these twinkling stars. One day a flood happened and the well filled with water. The frog rose to the top of the well. That evening as he looked up he was dumbfounded! His sight was no longer limited by the walls of the well. That circle of stars which is all he had known was now a complete sky, in all directions, filled with stars. Far, far larger and more magnificent that he had ever known.

Credit: NASA

Some people like those I mentioned above are like the frog in the well. They see only a small circle of what can be seen. They have chosen to limit their view of science to include only the material world and thereby exclude the magnificent whole sky of options that could be seen, if only they would rise up, open their minds, and look.

This is why we continue to work towards developing the Museum of Natural Science and History. A world class facility that will share the many aspects of science that are not and cannot be explained by evolution. A broader, bigger, view of science must be embraced. Contact us if you would like to help accomplish our goal: http://www.truescience.ca/#contact

 This article did not talk about science specifically. It talked about educated and skilled people of science, whether astronauts, scientists or engineers. In my next article I will get back to some new discoveries in science which do not fit the evolution based, ‘bottom of the well’ based, model of life.