The Museum of Natural Science and History’s website is This name was selected to share TRUE SCIENCE as some science being taught and believed is not true, it is a blatant lie. In some cases people propagating the science believe it, not realizing it is a lie as they have never been taught the truth.

Science has many fields. There are the traditional fields like physics, chemistry and biology, as taught in school. But there are other fields of work which I would also call science. For example there is political science. Archeology is a field of science, as in anthropology. Then there is history. It could also be consider a science, especially old history which ties into archeology. Keep this in mind as you read this blog (after this next paragraph which is a disclaimer) with references at the end of the blog.

As you read the following you will see I refer to Islam and Muslims quite a bit. Please keep in mind that I am not criticizing the religion of Islam. This article is not based on any writing in the Quran, to the best of my knowledge. The criticism is on a subset of followers of Islam who seek to change the past to suite their own purpose. This article is about what that subset of people are doing and the response of others to those actions. Thus please do not read into this article that I am critical of Islam itself.

Announcement : “The 58-member Executive Board  of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) voted on Thursday [October 13, 2016] to approve a resolution tabled by the Palestinian Authority declaring the Temple Mount and Western Wall in Jerusalem’s Old City has no historic ties to Judaism. The vote passed with 24 nations voting yes and 6 voting no, while a nearly unprecedented 26 countries abstained from voting, leaving diplomatic analysts saying the vote was actually a hollow victory for the PA and not a catastrophe for Israel. …”

Let me explain. The Temple Mount is the location where the Jewish King Solomon (around 967 B.C.) build the first and greatest Jewish temple (place of worship to Jehovah (God)). At this same site the second temple was built. It was destroyed by the Romans in A.D 70. Today this site contains ‘The Dome of the Rock’, a Muslim mosque (place of worship to Allah (God)). This mosque was completed in A.D 691. The picture shows the Western Wall with the Temple Mount behind the wall. The copper dome you see is ‘The Dome of the Rock’, which is located on the Temple Mount. History is clear. No serious historian debates that the temple was built here approximately 1650 years before the mosque. In fact Islam did not exist until around A.D 630. Thus the Temple Mount is clearly not Islamic, or Muslim, in a historical context.

Now to the Western Wall. This was one of the walls surrounding the 2nd temple, the one destroyed in A.D 70. The other walls were destroyed but this one left for some reason. During the Muslim occupation of Jerusalem this area was used as a garbage dump. Today is has been restored as a reminder to the Jews of the original temple area. It is used as a place of prayer. The Temple Mount walls existed and most were destroyed 600 years before the religions of Islam, and its followers called Muslims, came into existence.

So how can UNESCO, a division of the United Nations even decide to debate this issue, and then pass such a resolution which clearly ignore the true science of history? They obviously do not care about history. If your are interested, look at the references and see which nations voted in favour of the resolution? (hint – most were nations with Islamic governments or countries with a large percentage of Muslims). Why did many nations not vote? I expect those nations realized this is such a stupid issue they were not going to waste their time on it. They know history; it is a fact, a closed case, no reason to debate and decide as history is clear. Yet, here we are.

Fortunately this resolution means little, a ‘hollow victory for Palestine’ as the quote above states. One thing it does mean, one things it does show us, is that the truth is always a candidate for attack. The truth can be ignored if enough people are willing to. The truth of history and by extension any other field of science is up for debate. On a good note, the UN Secretary stated “any perceived undertaking to repudiate the undeniable common reference for these sites does not serve the interests of peace and will only feed violence and radicalism” and called on all sides “to uphold the status quo in relation to the holy sites in the Old City of Jerusalem.” He appears to be distancing the UN’s position from the UNESCO sector within the UN.

There is a message here for us. We need to be ever diligent if we seek to know the truth. Do not blindly believe those who lead us. Leaders are not perfect. Leaders have agendas we are not aware of. It is our responsibility to seek the truth, to follow it, to live by it, regardless of the lies we are taught and asked to believe. I have personally heard, talking face to face, that some Muslims deny the holocaust of World War II. Maybe soon there will be a resolution to removed it from history!

The Christian Jewish full article is at A non-Christian, non-Jewish perspective is here


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